
Caddy 是比Apache/Nginx 更适合快速搭建的HTTPS 站点的服务器软件, 自动管理免费证书是大亮点


{uri}	The request URI (includes path, query string, and fragment)
{uri_escaped}	The query-escaped variant of {uri}
{dir}	The directory of the requested file (from request URI)
{file}	The name of the requested file (from request URI)
{fragment}	The last part of the URL starting with "#"
{path}	The path portion of the original request URI (does not include query string or fragment)
{path_escaped}	Query-escaped variant of {path}

{rewrite_path}	Same as {path}, but is the value of the path after rewrites
{rewrite_path_escaped}	Query-escaped variant of {rewrite_path}
{rewrite_uri}	The request URI after any rewrite has occured (includes path, query string, and fragment)
{rewrite_uri_escaped}	The query-escaped variant of {rewrite_uri}